What is the ideal spacing for your office?
Will this piece fit into your current office space or will it require moving around other furniture? A large desk may look nice, but it could leave your office looking cramped and cluttered. Cubicles can give the feeling of privacy, but may give the feeling of being boxed in. If you desire an open concept space, acrylic dividers might be a better solution. Think about how everything fits together.
You might be thinking, “I’ve got office furniture - I don’t need anything else. My office is just fine!” But if your space looks outdated or like it was scavenged from an old college dorm room, you may want to rethink that statement. People make a judgment about the company they are visiting within seconds of walking in and seeing their surroundings; so why not give them something fresh and shiny? This can have a huge impact on how well people listen to what you say during meetings and presentations.
Our team at Desks Inc understands this idea better than anyone because we offer new and used office furniture for both home offices as well as corporate spaces. We pride ourselves on providing quality pieces, fair prices, the best shipping rates, and customer service that can’t be beat.
Check out our website for more information, and if you have any questions don’t hesitate to reach out! We love hearing from customers with new ideas or furniture needs.